Rules of this thread:
1) Quote which is the best post you've seen on Sanctuary from today, and onwards, on a daily basis. I admit 'today' and international time zones don't mix too well; you get the idea.
2) There's no limit on the number of posts you select per day (try and be sensible), but if you choose more than one please put the best of your quoted selections
first.3) Give some reason why you think the best post, i.e. the first quote you posted, is the best you've seen that day.
4) If you revise your decision from No. 3, please say why.
5) And no, you can not choose your own posts!
I would get the ball rolling but I'm crippled by own rules (No.5)
There are no rules as to what should qualify a 'best post', but I'd strongly encourage you to pick something that isn't just a flame or a one liner. Something with content or originality is much preferred. So... who's going to be the first in selecting the finest Sanctuary has to offer today?