About to purchase 11th pack.
More addicting than originally thought.
I have only smoked about 4 cigs today though, sticking with 100's, the lengths are better for a habituatial smoker who only smokes when driving/after k00sh/eating
I've lost about 14 lbs though, the appetite suppression certainly works
My schedule is goign back to normal tomorrow so hopefully I'll see how my lower weight and weening off the cigs go.
Now that I admit they are more pleasureable than I thought, I can just tackle this addiction like any other, except i'm catching this like 3 weeks in instead of a year or more
and shit like eCigs even though I think I already said I'd never vape that faggy shit in public
Been coughing alot, because I usually smoke .5-1g of bud everyday anyway, the extra smoke is giving me a tickle
Going to try a quick jog and make sure breathing is ok and how I do with my lighter weight.
Will keep updated, know your so interested.