I think the main problem is we become too dependent to the system.
The agriculture itself is not the problem, we turn into agriculture because the hunter society cannot support many people.
Sure, at an older time hunting can solve most food problem in very small tribes and we don't actually have to hunt everyday because hunted animals are more common than today so there are moments where hunted food can actually last for a couple of days. You can smoke the meat and store it for later.
Now, more people means more food and more lands. Technology solves most of this problem but they require capital and instead of fully giving everything for humanity they put a price tag for it and force everyone to pay it for double. Our current society are actually capable of self sustaining with energy and food for everyone but the liberty is still being hold for higher class.
There are many proposed methods for this, basic income for example ensured that everyone get everything they need for survival, food, shelter, health care and even internet, so they can invest their time in something that truly matter. The method has been tried in several cities and have a desirable result but still the main problem with basic income is the political message that tends to more aligned to socialism.
Other methods will be something like having a self sustained home, solar panel for electricity, permaculture for foods, etc, there are people that has try this and I heard there's even an entire community dedicated for this but the main reason still lies back in the system. The land still belonged to the system and doing this means most of the time you are not in the regulations. The only way this could be possible is if we are in space age and have self sustaining spaceship.