Really only one rule is required to combat all the shitposting and drama the kidiots like to spew, and that's make the site ADULT ONLY. Instead of asking for ID, get verification from the posting history instead. You take one look at the posting history of these proven kidiots and it becomes IMMEDIATELY and CLEARLY apparent that the user is underage. Only under-aged juvenile delinquents have posting histories like that. There's no mistaking a posting history on an under-age kidiot for the posting history of a contributing member, even a contributing member nobody likes. The posting histories are the smoking gun, so use it. You'll open the posting history and there won't even be one single post of any actual worth... just reams and reams of uninteresting, useless, boring garbage, because that's all 12 year olds and the like can post. Make the forum adult only, use the posting histories to confirm and ban the underage children off the site, have fun banning their sock puppets as they appear... PROBLEM SOLVED. This is NOT rocket science.