So, I decided to drop acid for the first time last night around 3AM, and then did something I SERIOUSLY fucking regret. I played GTA V (Five). Normally, cool yeah whatever, video games while high, what the hell ever. But here's the kicker, I played the next-gen version, that's right, in First Person POV. GTA's new first person POV is already known for causing people to get sick if they don't adjust the FOV, field of view. And me, I'd never adjusted it, I usually just took a Dramamine and got the hell over it. Well, this time, I'd dropped acid, and was staring at this bright-ass flat-screen in a pitch-black room. About 10 minutes in, I was feeling good, enjoying the game, having fun, then, the FOV's sickness inducing effect kicked in. Within a matter of minutes my eyes felt like they were bugging out of my head, my head pounded, colors were blurring and shit was just going insane. Being the dumbass I am, I tried to power through it and keep playing. Then I made my FINAL mistake. I found the peyote cactus location in-game, and ate one, screen started swirling, colors blurred on the screen, the usual effect when you eat the peyote, me, tripping balls, I start freaking the fuck out, I'm in a pitch-black room so these colors fucking multiply, my head gets even worse, then, once the in-game transformation was complete, I'm sitting there as a fucking cougar, and that just makes me go over the edge. All I know is I woke up this morning with a headache, bloodshot eyes, an XBOX controller on the floor, my room torn apart, and things just thrown everywhere. So, yeah, I'm either doing one of two things, NEVER dropping acid again, or just never playing GTA with the non-adjusted FOV. (If I do adjust the FOV and drop acid again and make the decision to play, I will be posting the results of my trip.)