SO I was dating this girl, we'll call her "A", for three months, and just yesterday she dumped me. And a side note, I truly love this girl, or at least, what my definition of love is, I truthfully DID want to spend the rest of my pathetic life with her, as stupid as that sounds. Now, back to my story. So this girl, "A", finds out from someone I'd been talking to a girl on the side and she tells me that a relationship is based off trust, and I always rant about trust because she used to self-harm, so I don't trust her with sharp objects. NOW, sure, her leaving me and being pissed about the whole trust thing is justified, except for one point, this girl I was, "talking to on the side", whom we'll call "S", was a situation that went down before I'd even started dating, hell, before I even met "A". So, "S" tells her about how I've been wanting to drink and get high with her, and have sex. My girl, "A" gets pissed, and as I said would be rightfully so, had this taken place whilst we were dating, but it in fact did not. I'm thinking the girl, "S", just told her this shit from the past because she was mad that I didn't date her instead of dating this girl, "A". "A" is truly sexy as fuck, a redhead, a CURVY redhead, cute as hell, fucking amazing personality, good taste in music, and puts up with my bullshit, i.e. my ranting and just being an idiot at times. Now, "S", attractive, yes, smart, hell-no, personality like a fucking rock, totally bipolar bitch, but good fuck nonetheless, not to mention, the bonus of free booze and weed. Now "A", I hadn't slept with her, but I really wanted to. Now that it's all over with, I know for a fact I wont be getting "A" back, nor will I be getting with "S". Now what, should I just do like I normally do, find a shy girl, talk her into shit, then when I find another girl I actually want to date, cut off shit with that chick and leave to go to her? Opinions? I know I'm going to get a lot of bullshit, but whatever, I don't fucking care, I'm bored at school, and want to hear people's thoughts.