Or if there are more over-arching issues that I see, then I just start my own sandbox.
I guess I just have difficulty putting myself in that kind of frame of mind. I come from the age where the mindset was Stand Your Ground. It was completely irrelevant that there was another place to go, or that we could start something else, or that we could just ignore the situation. Those weren't options for us in those days. But in this "advanced"/"modern" age of the WWW, it's more of a passive kind of thing, where everyone just goes along to get along, or just goes somewhere else if they find an improper situation. My age of doing things would call that laying down in the road, rolling over, and so forth. The thought of running or rolling over never crossed our minds in those days. But I guess we're way past those days now, huh? Things sure have changed, but in my opinion, not for the better.