I got this game to play on the PC and it's a breath of fresh fucking air after ghosts. I'm halfway through the campaign so far, loving the cutscenes and the overall movie-like feel of the game, but I guess that's just how all the cods work.
It reminds me of black ops 2 - the game play feels balanced and just fucking fun. I also like the changes that OP mentions like sprint bursts or double jumps, although Ive used these in Wolf:ET back in fucking 2006. It's still nice to see cod trying out new things and not just releasing a rehash of the previous title. black ops I is the only cod I logged more than 200 hours on, black ops 2 had like 160, ghosts only managed 30, it was lame. I think this is another cod I can log > 100 hours on.
Oh, another thing that reminds me here of blops: the maps seem smaller and more complex, like in blops, so there's a lot of fast paced action and your brain can feel the burn of reacting quickly. Fucking awesome game.