I was watching some old Zero Punctuation reviews yesterday and in his review of the Ocarina of Time remake for the 3DS, Yahtzee confesses that he never played OoT on the N64, which for a game critic is like a music critic saying he's never listened to Sgt. Pepper's or OK Computer. This got me thinking about hyped games and franchises I still haven't got round to playing.
For a start, I've never played a Super Smash Bros game, which is strange because I played my N64 til the wheels came off back when the series started and used to play lots of multiplayer games with my brothers and friends. SSB should've been an obvious buy but I never paid it any attention. Even now I own every nintendo home console from the snes to the Wii (not including the virtual boy
), there has always been something further up on my buy list.
Another series I've never touched is Elder Scrolls. In recent years my attitude towards high fantasy has gone from hatred to indifference which probably explains a lot, but now I have Skyrim in my backlog (bought it for pennies in a charity shop) perhaps I'll get around to seeing what the fuss is about.