I didn't give Zek a mod position.
Yeah, you keep brushing aside all the hardhitting points the majority of your userbase is making with a whimsical little one-liner....that'll really help.
Is it just me, or has the activity/interest level dropped in the last week or so ever since you modded that worthless cretin?
InB4 Arnox replies with...."its because of all the drama on here". Yeah, drama that YOU created by modding one of the most immature and unstable fuckups to ever find the internet, along with your dogged stubbornness to ignore what most of your userbase is bringing to you.
Your website, your credibility.... and its a damn shame you are seriously willing to throw so much away over this political football and pissing match that you have absolutely no chance of winning considering how every single day Zek continues to prove you wrong by his actions, demeanor, and attention whoring.