The chances of getting literally killed are very low. When I was serving time in Kentucky for cocaine I never even had so much as an argument, let alone rapes/shankings/fights etc...
I've honestly met more "predator" types out of prison then I have inside. I guess the main thing I would tell you is don't accept any "gifts" because 9 times out of 10 they aren't, people will completely ignore the fact they owe you 80 bucks but will get up in your face over your 10 dollar "gift". Again, never experienced this in prison but outside of it several times, could well be that you're in a horrible shit prison, if that's the case be on the look out for these types because the place will be swarming with them.
Other than that, generally mind your business, be respectful and polite, don't go out of your way to please anyone, predator types think just because you're kind you must be some kind of bitch, their tiny brains cant comprehend compassion.
Also, don't brag about your IQ, claim to be smart, rich, funny, witty etc..No one likes a smug asshole.