Why is this? I'm prescribed an obscene amount of ADHD drugs (108mgs concerta, 20mg ritalin IR a day) and rarely take a full dose. However, I take it often enough and will enough frequency that when I refrain from taking it to have a "cleanse day" I feel really anxious and have trouble eating. Why the fuck is this and what can I do about it? I was prescribed clonazapam for a while but never took it. Le pillz calm me down but when I don't take them my mind gets really racey and my heart beats faster and I look at food like its poison.
I take the following vitamins everyday: ginko, P-50, 1000icu vitamin c, bentothiamine, gaba, D, B multi, and another I forget off the top plus omega 3. After I take them I feel a little calmer but I still have dat anxiety a bit.
What do? Anyone else like this? Not a troll thread but it kinda seems like it.