He's one of the most sensitive users. Everyone joked about how he was raped when he was in prison, which is a joke everyone makes, but he got extremely sensitive and defensive when anyone mentioned that. He's also quick to acertain how he fucks these young girls when in reality he's been on house arrest for years, for having the brilliant plan of stealing legal meds. A repetitive, unintelligent individual who posts too much, yet says so little. His opinion is worthless.
There really isn't anything accurate in this post. I have no problem claiming anything that's true about myself but nothing in this post is.
You are literally vizier. It speaks for itself. You've been mad and butthurt as hell for a while now and everytime I look at my background I can't help but laugh
[img width=800 height=449]http://s28.postimg.org/uxqkbs3vw/DMk_Y9_LW1.jpg[/img]
Good lord. So, you've made him your background pic. Some things to note:
1) You have a mans photo as your background. A mexican man, whom you proclaim to be a faggot. Whom you met on the internet.
2) You use internet explorer, or are too lazy/stupid to remove the icon.
3) Your copy of windows is not genuine. Mine isn't either, but I wasn't stupid enough to download the windows update that checks for pirated copies.
4) You have the worst collection of desktop programs I've ever seen.
5) Is that a list of your community service hours??
Yeah, you really showed vizier with that one. Holy shit you are retarded.
E: I edited viziers PI out of the pic unstable uploaded.