The first ones to berate cops are the first ones to go crying for them when they need their help
Whoa there. That is a very broadbased statement, and really doesn't hold a lot of water. Some of us just don't want to deal with bullying nonsense, and the fact is there ARE a lot of emotionally stunted punks hiding behind a badge means I'll still call a spade a spade no matter their occupation or social status.
And despite me managing a myriad of different businesses (most having to deal with the public and a whole lot of weirdos and scumbags) I haven't had to call the police on anyone either personally or professionally for about 20 years. The last time was when I was a night manager at a hotel and some belligerent drunk took a swing at me in a lobby filled with a whole mess of wedding guests, and I didn't think it was prudent or good for my job to beat the shit out of someone in front of kids and elderly people.
The fact of the matter is, no so long ago MOST police officers were actual "civil servants", and every now and again you would find the occasional bad apple in the bunch. But as time goes on and the police are militarized developing more of an "us vs them" mindset against the average citizen, you have more overbearing stormtroopers than you do civil servants.
I berate the attitude, demeanor, and behavior because that is NOT the purpose of a police force...and I sure as hell don't call them on a moments notice no matter how deep the shit gets, because quite frankly they act more like bullying punks than the actual "criminals" they are supposed to be protecting us from.