fuck off attention whore
I've seen two post from you, and already I fucking hate you. Well done.
LavaRed, about the only stable thing left from &T. At least this forum's gonna get good.
Thank you. I've been busy, I admit, but I've been working on a few projects. Mostly armor and grenades. I've learned how do deactivate and disassemble a live hand grenade. I hope to be able to post something useful soon.
Which reminds me I did a quick search through my files and came up with:
Expedient Hand Grenades - Desert Publications
Various patents on different grenade designs.
Undetectable Grenades - Desert Publications
Something on Shotgun Grenades and other bits and pieces on RPGs.
Some blueprints for the M203 grenade launcher along with various manuals.
Kinda disappointed in myself, I should really brush up and find more material to put in my libraries stock.