alright so anyway my dad had set up a mini playground set for me in my uncle's backyard a few years back, and i'd be chillin, we'd be climbing through the different holes and loops you know...after accompleting this quest we decided we needed a weapon, and we decided on choosing between two sticks
actually "two sticks" in making me think of a lot of weird shit i did with that kid
it was 6th grade or so I CAN'T SPEAK ABOUT THIS ANYMORE nah jk but it factually and literally was the grade six (6) 6 6666666666666666
oh yeah we jerked off to cripple porn on his computer by turning our heads over our backs but neither of us had actually achieved ejaculation, since it was prepubescent. we slept over while he left jackass on ass he slept, i clogged his toilet because i couldn't figure out how to flush it. i duct taped his mouth closed and kicked him off the bed but we were cool with that cuz thats just how we roll. one time we snuck into the movie theatre and i tell the kid (while also being a kid myself) a guy drives 6-mph, where he should only be driving in A 2.1 mph zone, he realizes he's speeding and looks back. the unnamed second character in the second seat asks him "why did you stop", the man, contemplating for a moment, says "i thought i saw a cock". get it? instead of cop? comedic genius. but he laughed his ass off. his asshole neighbor stopped over and we literally tied him up as an experiment, and then we couldn't figure out how to get the tape off, so we used scissors and his mouth got all cut up. this was all on camera because i liked to record music videos with my friend and we thought it would be funny. my dad watched it about a year later, screamed at me over something i dontremmebr, and i think i kicked his steering wheel while driving into oncoming traffic. we survived.