If you are concerned about your username being registered by an imposter, unless this is overly abused, I will consider claims to rightful ownership based on your current membership at The Sanctuary, as long as this site is still in operation. Considerations will only be made if you send me a PM on this site, The Sanctuary, from the account that is being impersonated. The username has to match exactly, character for character (not case-sensitive). If I can validate your claim with this method, then I will remove the newly registered username from RDFRN to allow you a chance to register it.
Alternatively, for totse2 veterans, if you send me an email from the email address you used to register your account on totse2, I will consider those claims. This alternative method has a limited time as the totse2 database has a sparse lifespan of operation, and I do not have full control over it. The email address has to match exactly. Terms subject to change accordingly with abuse.
Decisions regarding moderators will come after post traffic and user intentions are determined.