Wow never heard of that, but I've never been able to do math. Still have to think about my times tables, division tables forget it. Adding numbers, very slowly. Honestly this is one aspect of my life that drugs improved because I actually care about math even if I'm bad at it. Really hard for me to code algorithms even though I enjoy and have somewhat of a knack for coding.
I was technically diagnosed with depression, but its bullshit. I have pretty severe social anxiety. I've mostly gotten over it in terms of day to day life, paradoxically I can no longer piss if I think people can hear me / see me pissing. Which includes family and friends, not pets though. Sometimes I'll squeeze it out, but the embarrassment of failure causes extreme avoidance behavior. I'm too embarrassed to bring it up to anyone, but it definitely qualifies as a disability. I guess if all else goes to shit I'll get gubmint bux, don't know if I'd get much in the US though.