One day I was driving down a busy two lane road during 'rush hour', going the speed limit and everything, and this dachshund ran right underneath my front tires. I heard that 'thump crunch' sound of the dog being destroyed physically. I looked back in the rearview and briefly saw it using its front legs to crawl off the road, dragging its body. Simultaneously it began making the wierdest 'yap/squeal' noise I had ever heard, and it was loud as fuck. I had ran over the back half of the dog, and that crunch noise was its pelvis being crushed.
I saw people standing around on the sidewalk and in their yards, so I figured that someone would help the damn thing. I couldn't really stop because I was on my way to work, and traffic was bumper to bumper so I just kept driving. Some guy behind me saw the whole thing, and he drove into the oncoming traffic lane to bring his window next to mine. "Hey-HEY!" he yelled. "I saw what you did and I am calling the cops!" He was furious, his face red and distorted. I swear I even saw him drooling with rage. I shrugged at him and yelled back 'What am I supposed to do?'
He kept yelling at me, so as soon as we broke free from traffic, I got all road-raged out and pulled up to his window myself. "Pull over, motherfucker! Pull the fuck over!" I was going to fight the guy, I guess I just lost it. I felt bad enough about hitting the dog, and now this prick wants to play hero. I whipped my car into the nearest parking lot and jumped out, all ready to fuck this guy up, but he just drove away.