Oh god, of Hydro's baby?!
Whatever happened between you and hydro anyway?
Last I heard you were second in line if her marriage fell apart.
Think of how perfect it would be, you're both trapped in terrible soul crushing destructive environments that you hate, working low paying menial jobs you loathe, and don't really have much that should be tying you down, once you resolve any feelings of obligation. Why not make a plan to move together to a place with much better opportunities? Some areas are booming and have very low unemployment, along with high wages, and you don't need to be particularly skilled, some are entry level and still pay well, with quick opportunities for advancement and a nice raise once you get out of the training period. Or a large metropolitan area, maybe a place with great weather and a good transportation system, if you prefer one; a lot of people and opportunities, many things to do. It's such a different experience compared to small towns or dying regions. You already know each other and would get along, Hydro being an angel and having withstood the horrors of her family her entire life. By contrast, you would probably be a savior to her. You could live together to save money on rent and due to not having to have duplicates of many things, support each other, have someone there when you come home at night. I imagine it can be very nice to not having to sleep alone every day of your life, to come home to an empty house every single day. You both like drugs and are very open to experiences, it would be great to have someone to share them with, not having to feel any shame, to hide things and hold back like you would with nearly everyone.
Being Single Is a Luxuryhttp://econlog.econlib.org/archives/2012/02/being_single_is.html