I smoked a fuckton of that shit in the past 3 days from a fucking soda can, taking piracetam like crazy to try to offset any neurocognitive dysfunctions or whatever, like the dumbfuck I am after getting the first full day's rest after binging on that shit took benzedrex like 7 hours ago, going through benzo withdrawal, clonidine withdrawal, buspar withdrawal and all that because I ran out of my meds early. I took my last klonopin after waking up from sleeping like a day from seroquel and trazodone and soon after, like I said, did benzedrex. The vasoconstriction and heart rate problems, and paranoia is unbelievable. I haven't taken any piracetam in a full day, and I also took some benadryl so who knows what kind of cholinergic crisis I'm in right now, my ocular pressure is through the roof, my heart feels like it's going to give out any hour
what supplements can I take that probably won't kill me faster? My liver also isn't in good shape obviously, I'm looking a little jaundiced, my face is flushed and I feel extremely dead.
also afraid to go to sleep, sleep isnt an option without any more drugs so if I want to sleep and protect my brain/body I would need some kind of fucking miracle so that's impossible.
would an anticonvulsant like topamax help in any way?