Get a prepaid credit card in any name u like. Top it up with cash and then buy bitcoins at Virowx, they don't require any details from you other than an email address. Those new to Virwox haave to wait 2 days to withdraw bitcoins but after 4-5 times it's instant. You now have bitcoins in a fake name untraceable to you, of course you should mask your IP (duh). Tails and PGP is only needed if your selling shit, small time buyers aren't the target for law enforcement. Agora is one of the most popular sites but there are loads. They used to have alist of them on the darknetmarkets subreedit but recently they removed it, anyway Google will give them to you no problem. Buy from people with hundres of feedback, just like eBay. If you plan on buying kilos of weed then use tails and PGP, otherwise don't worry about it.