That's because I didn't do anything wrong. If we aren't supposed to report off-topic posts why did I have the ability to do so? If off-topic posts aren't against the rules, why can people now be infracted for it?
If you read anyone elses posts you would see that:
#1 Arnox has posted before that he considers it more suggestive of realistic conversations if we are allowed to meander off topic in threads
#2 I could report any post, for just about any reason. Ask RisiR about some of the reasons he has reported posts.
#3 Your first instinct was to 'report' to management when you couldn't get something done with your 'excuse me, guys? guys? hey guys....' tap-on-the-shoulder, emaciated and intimidated conversational style.
#4 It's too late now, you showed us all just what sort of person you are behind the words on the screen, and you can't take it back. Keep typing and let us in further to your pathetic beta psychology.