I only had the pleasure to browse Totse in it's final six months. My time there was ultimately too short lived, and I often wander what it would have been like to had been there for the longer haul. Even though my place in the community wasn't as deeply engraved as founding members or long-term patrons, I'm still around pursuing many of their very same ideas to this day.
It's been a while since I have even thought of the members of Totse and their original screenames. Some changed, some did not.. A few of the good and/or crazy ones have passed away (a particular comrade whom I remember not making it back from a certain Night Ops trip). But there is still a fair amount of the old crew still around.. not my crew, I was never a full fledged member imo.
Anyways, I've created this thread with the particular intent of finding one member whose posts and dissertations I really enjoyed reading, and figured it could be a launchpad for other members here to relocate or otherwise find information on some of their favorite posters from the past.
Without further ado, Does anyone know whatever happened to Meta? I think i last spoke to him briefly on &Z, but even before that it had been years.. Just wasnt sure on what he was into nowadays, or if he was still alive for that matter.
Edit: Btw probably worth mentioning that I was Strife and Coresant on Totse.. most of my discussion was pertained to the BI section (I was much younger and more radical than my present day self) If I had any rememberable threads from Totse, it was probably something to do with Night Ops, as I used to explore the neighborhood and post my stories when I made it back home.. some of my activities weren't exactly the most legal either. One particular story involved a hypothetical house where a man had passed away about 6 months prior due to an overdose. Since he had no family and a junk yard of wealth to plunder.. this hypothetical house became the inspiration of my many hypothetical works and activities, including experiments with using a drop house for shipping and a deceased persons address for hypothetical mail scams. We were all young once.. lol.. I've moved far and away from my old interest in BI, but someone might remember me. Though I doubt it.. Well that's enough about SWIM.