1) Rook sometimes thinks of himself as a thread killer - wonders if he's posted all for nothing - but his tales and advice are no less than anyone else's contributions into their community in any context. He may think his word is lost, but it is not, the trees listen. The woodsmen listen. The birds listen. The world around, it listens. It watches and it accepting, whether his impact upon it be big or small. Songs of thanks go thought, while thought unsung, for his own brand of expansive eloquence that says just enough to be comprehensive yet his adventurous envelope exploring personality lives through the tempo of his writing, genuin genuine interest finds itself somehow beautifully transmitted across multiple communicative divides to arrive elseware in the world, appreciated and respected, whether it is the USA, Estonia, Poland, Germany, Canada, or the UK. Rook's ts the kind of guy with his own insights, whose posts you read without second guessing if you have the time to spare.
2) Rook has a plan.