Well considering your current situation, there is nothing wrong with getting by on the cheap.. I've found life on the cheap to be more satisfying anyways. Depending your locale, you might be able to find a futon at a Goodwill near you and save some extra money.. they usually have random slightly used furniture being brought in daily.. also not a bad way to pick up nice clothes, barely worn, for a fraction of the price (also I get all my books from there.. I've even flipped a few rare/expensive ones). Even with a really shitty paying job, you can furnish yourself with a pretty comfortable set-up if you can snag the right deals. If you use tobacco products of any kind, sign up online and they will send you free coupons.. every little bit helps if your buying a pack a day.. thats even if you smoke tobacco.
Do you roll joints or smoke bowls? I used to think I rationed weed better when I smoked bowls, but honestly.. I'd end up smoking 2 or 3. If I roll a joint, it's usually a .4 and I actually make out better.. and I can always throw the roach into a stash for later or hit it in a bowl.
Try to develop some cheap hobby that you can make profitable in your spare time.. all the material you need are at goodwill for art projects if your creative at all.. making money online can be a challenge unless you are really familiar on the direction your taking.. Good vibes man, hope things keep goin well for ya.