Hopefully this will be one of my last analysis of this thread.. I'm bored of it now.. How you can guys keep going in circles? Anyways, it is apparent to me that there are two radically different ideologies at play.. you have the people who are fine with how things are being run, which is for the most part.. smart, legal, and with the general intent to keep this place open without drawing the wrong kinds of attention (which imo isn't a bad thing).. Then you have the other side that basically wants this forum to be a free-for-all... or thats what I'm assuming since none of the opposition has really clearly defined what they are fighting for short of spewing vulgarities in stride. .tranny this.. mormon dictator that.. But, I'm assuming that's their intended goal.. complete freedom to post whatever without moderator-ship basically.. or.. as I've read here.. they are vying to the administrator to appoint themselves moderator-ship.. again, as if they are so entitled.
Why not just go on over to 4chan.. or this LLZ I've been hearing about? Why not go and start your own board and pay for web hosting yourselves? In all honesty, the bitch and moaners here are easily quite replaceable.. you act as if you hold some inherit value to this community... you dont. Billions of people in this world... you are "not" special. Let that sink in, I know it may not be easy to hear. You are the very reason why boards like this fail and implode.. you are the cancer.. Be proud of that, because I'm sure thats about all you have to be proud of considering how die hard you are with your initiative to.. again, not even sure what the fuck your point is.. honestly dont care.. honestly dont even read your posts all the way through.. Anyways.. I expect you'll be back here doing the same thing within a few minutes.. and tomorrow.. and the next day.. So yea, good luck with that.. I'm soo sure it's all going to work out in your favor.
Peace Brahs