I have a bunch of clonidine .3mg and I've been alternating between shots of gin and lines of focalin for the past almost a day, maybe a day idk, I've had over 120mg of focalin which would be equiv. to 240 fuckin mg of ritalin, ive had 60mg of buspar intermittently and a klonopin like 7 hours ago but that shits like nothin at this point, I have a really fuckin high alcohol tolerance but clonidine idk, I don't really feel it specifically when I take it, because I take it with uppers which mellows errything out or with seroquel and dont notice
so u think goin to a moshpit with all this focalin in my system and downers will give me a good ol infarction/cardiac arrest/cardiac cop chase or will I be aight with the downers? worst best case scenerio in my mind is like a pleural effusion, or maybe just one effusion. you dig? well then get with the shoveling cause imma be dead
lol so many fucking puns god dammmmmmnnnahhh