I assume most women would consider fellatio cheating. However, maybe the real discussion should be, is it possible to maintain a stable relationship while you and you other involve yourself with other sexual partners? The answer is yes, but it still hasnt taken off to the point to where its completely socially acceptable.. but people are coming around. The whole "making love and a good fuck are two different things" argument is getting more and more support nowadays.. I personally believe in it. Honestly, I'm in love with my fiance and want no one else to spend the rest of my life with.. at the same time, we both are open to the possibility of having different sexual partners in our life.. She's semi bi and more interested in women, so it seems like I have an almost unfair advantage.. but I wouldn't be totally un-open to her having sex with another guy.. Haha, for some reason I find the idea of doing DP with her sexually exciting. Not that I would ever make this multiple partner scenario a regular thing, but I definitely think it would almost be healthy for most relationships to consider this on occasion.. It has nothing to do with loving the other person less or the deterioration of a relationship.. quite the opposite.. There comes a point when a lot of relationships become a tad stagnate.. if your comfortable enough with yourself and what you have, then these are just exciting experiences you get to have and share together..
But.... I think.... I got carried away.
Ah, my point still stands.