You know, when I was reading the unread posts for today, I stumbled upon some more of the usual negativity/hostility here, and even though I've read such on this forum before now many times already, I was struck by a sudden thought. I remembered just how long it's been for me since totse2 went down. And with that realization came another that I had a while back before but never truly took to heart. The realization that I've been kinda pussificated ever since by other forums and their stringent rules and the friendly atmosphere they each had in some way or another.
I knew that if I was a year or more younger, I would never have been surprised with the flaming being done here. But then... just how hostile should I be now? The admin sets the standard for the entire site. An admin should always be helpful and patient in at least most, if not all of his/her posts. But then, I think, this is The Sanctuary, the successor of totse2. And as such, it's always been an unspoken rule that bad content and posts should be flamed and defamed, while the good posts and content should be encouraged and fostered.
I don't think there's a way to fulfill both paths as an admin. It has to be one or the other. So now, I'm asking you, my fellow members. Just what kind of atmosphere do we want to encourage? Let's keep in mind too, that too much flaming just leads to us being faggots/Zoklet. And that's what I'm worrying about. If we do go with tradition, that we're gonna take it overboard as it is all too easy to do.
So do we want to be remembered as harsh but fair, or do we want to be remembered as open and civil?