He's a little man with delusions of grandeur who goes by the nick TheDarkRodent aka JediMoped aka DarthBeaver aka Turdaluradoodoo and several others.
At least I have the balls to admit I am the same person with different handles. Unlike you, Daguru, and your parade of misfit alts.
How come you've stopped posting here? I know the place is run by an autistic mormon dragonfag and has an attention-seeking mentally ill child-abandoning tranny on the staff, but LLZ is near dead and has a drug addled sycophant with an ulcerated ass on staff (Pyscho), and a mod with such a reprehensible record that you may as well stick a rotting body in a cage and hang it over the site's front gate (ahh, um, er... you).
Really there's not much in it, expect that if you ask a question here someone
might give you a sensible response before your adult incontinence diaper needs changing.