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Offline Satyr

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Tobacco alternatives
« on: September 18, 2014, 08:56:40 pm »
I like to smoke a pipe once in a while. Even though there are tons of available tobacco's for it, sometimes I like to smoke my own herbal mixtures. Those are usually based on either mugwort or yarrow. Yarrow gives a smoother and sweeter smoke, mugwort (also called sailor's tobacco) is a bit harsher. Mugwort does have the added benefit of being a relaxant. It won't get you stoned or anything, but the effects are noticeable. Smoke it before you go to sleep and you'll have some pretty intense dreams. I sometimes add dried lavender, mint and/or sage, purely for the taste. Another herb that smokes quite well is red clover.

Any of you guys experimented with stuff that isn't tobacco (inb4weed, for that matter)?

Offline Obbe

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Re: Tobacco alternatives
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2014, 09:09:52 pm »
These are fun:

I get the 0mg nicotine ones.
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Offline Satyr

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Re: Tobacco alternatives
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2014, 08:37:47 am »
I've honestly never tried any of those vaporizers or e-cigs, even though I've seen a ton of people use them. What's the taste like? And wouldn't it be more of a trend? I'm not sure whether those things will keep being as widely used as they are now..

Offline Controversialrogue

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Re: Tobacco alternatives
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2014, 08:53:17 am »
I've honestly never tried any of those vaporizers or e-cigs, even though I've seen a ton of people use them. What's the taste like? And wouldn't it be more of a trend? I'm not sure whether those things will keep being as widely used as they are now..

Ones with nicotine in them taste like shit in my opinion, some of the girly shisha pens or whatever taste pretty damn good though. And i dont know if it will be a fad. There seems to be a good core of ex-smokers who swear by them so i guess we shall have to see.
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Offline Hooky

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Re: Tobacco alternatives
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2014, 10:34:21 am »
I definitely think e-cigs are in a bit of a fad stage at the moment, especially the 0mg ones which are completely ridiculous. Nic containing ones do work as a quit-smoking aid to a certain extent, I smoked for half my life but I've been cig free for a couple of weeks now because I just hit that e-cig straight into my lungs whenever I get a craving. I still wish I could light a cigarette up though and who knows maybe I will any day now, so it's not the miracle cure some people make it out to be but it helps.

Nicotine does indeed taste like total dog shit, as anyone who's ever chewed nicotine gum knows. This is why I try to keep my liquids around 6mg/ml tops. The flavours are mostly shit too, they taste good for a couple of hours then you get so sick of them that you start dreading having to use your e-cig. I've bought dozens and dozens of flavour concentrates and the only one I still use everyday is called Yuco. Kind of a mild grassy tobacco with chocolate and vanilla in it. That's the only one I can stand.

Offline Rook

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Re: Tobacco alternatives
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2014, 08:42:55 am »
Just a warning.. I've had two.. associates (I don't consider people of inferior intellect friends), actually overdose on nicotine whilst using e-cigs. Both had to be rushed to the ER, and one actually had a seizure. Not saying its going to happen to you, but some people don't realize the potency of the nicotine their consuming into their bodies. If your going to quit nicotine, the best way would be to isolate yourself without any possible access to it for about 3 days.. actually just 2 because by the third, your practically over it or your mentally fortified enough to push through it. I've yet to see a single person quit smoking while using an e-cig.. Actually, what I've mostly seen if my "associates" showing me their new $60 e-cig of the month.. buying different pieces and switching them out.. colors or designs.. like its a new hobby or something. I'd personally pass on the e-cigs.. just doesnt seem like a road you really wanna go down. Not that their bad, I just dont think their really worth it for the intended purpose.
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Offline LOVE

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Re: Tobacco alternatives
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2014, 12:20:44 pm »
The abundance of legal e-cigs is great. So is the coil modding community. You can smoke all manner of substances in them. They've been around for a few years now and are only growing in number, a trend which will continue until the the tobacco lobbies cut off the supply of 'unregulated' nicotine containing products altogether, as opposed to simple warnings or at most regulations on strengths available.

The problem is you can currently buy nicotine solution, and flavour solution, and you mix it as you wish. There is obvious hazard in this.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2014, 12:23:31 pm by LOVE »

Offline constantinople

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Re: Tobacco alternatives
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2014, 12:21:52 pm »
they smoke tendu in india. try that.

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Offline Hades

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Re: Tobacco alternatives
« Reply #8 on: October 14, 2014, 01:18:57 pm »
I don't like the taste of aromatic tobacco's so my favourite pipe tobacco is Skandinavik Regular.

Additives i find work very well in tobacco are freshly ground black pepper (yep, that stuff in the kitchen cabinet) and ground cloves.  That cloves thing is something i picked up from my friend who spent a few years in indonesia.  The locals call it kretak.  As a bonus, it gives you a light buzz.

"Functional" herbs I used in the pipe include:
Blue Lotus (very tasty, very smokable and very mildly trippy... quite enjoyable)
Marihuanilla (supposedly a marihuana substitute... didn't work for me... much rather smoke the real stuff  doesn't taste great either and is a bit harsh on the lungs)
Dagga (tastes ok, smokes fine, gives you bit of a relaxed high)
Skull Cap (see dagga... a mix of skullcap and dagga works best)

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Re: Tobacco alternatives
« Reply #9 on: October 14, 2014, 01:44:55 pm »
I became mildly addicted to nicotine when a gas station nearby started selling these:

So delicious.  The mocha and fruity mint flavors are the best.  And it's so much fun playing with the vapor!  I've never been into smoking tobacco though so it might be as fun for real smokers lol.

Offline Satyr

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Re: Tobacco alternatives
« Reply #10 on: October 14, 2014, 07:05:56 pm »
I don't like the taste of aromatic tobacco's so my favourite pipe tobacco is Skandinavik Regular.

Additives i find work very well in tobacco are freshly ground black pepper (yep, that stuff in the kitchen cabinet) and ground cloves.  That cloves thing is something i picked up from my friend who spent a few years in indonesia.  The locals call it kretak.  As a bonus, it gives you a light buzz.

"Functional" herbs I used in the pipe include:
Blue Lotus (very tasty, very smokable and very mildly trippy... quite enjoyable)
Marihuanilla (supposedly a marihuana substitute... didn't work for me... much rather smoke the real stuff  doesn't taste great either and is a bit harsh on the lungs)
Dagga (tastes ok, smokes fine, gives you bit of a relaxed high)
Skull Cap (see dagga... a mix of skullcap and dagga works best)

Well, aromatics in a pipe can be okay if they're not over the top. Amphora Red for example, is quite nice. From what I've read, they tend to really go overboard with the aromatics in the US.

I'll have to try pepper. I've heard about kretek, I might actually buy a nice and neutral pipe tobacco and try it out.

Was hunting for some skullcap a while back, wasn't able to find any in the wild and the season for it is over now. Tough titties, I guess.

Offline Sirfearoth

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Re: Tobacco alternatives
« Reply #11 on: October 14, 2014, 07:42:16 pm »
Pot should be the only tobacco alternative allowed

Offline AstralPlane

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Re: Tobacco alternatives
« Reply #12 on: October 16, 2014, 06:19:33 pm »
I like to smoke a pipe once in a while. Even though there are tons of available tobacco's for it, sometimes I like to smoke my own herbal mixtures. Those are usually based on either mugwort or yarrow. Yarrow gives a smoother and sweeter smoke, mugwort (also called sailor's tobacco) is a bit harsher. Mugwort does have the added benefit of being a relaxant. It won't get you stoned or anything, but the effects are noticeable. Smoke it before you go to sleep and you'll have some pretty intense dreams. I sometimes add dried lavender, mint and/or sage, purely for the taste. Another herb that smokes quite well is red clover.

Any of you guys experimented with stuff that isn't tobacco (inb4weed, for that matter)?

Although I'm a lil late to start in on this post I have done some research in the past to help friends ease off of smoking and found that you can actually use other herbs like Mullein which gives a lil bulk to the smoke and helps relieve congestion, raspberry leaves mainly for flavor, catnip which can help relax and helps cut the craving for tobacco, sage and lemon balm which add flavor as well. You can add these to smoking mixtures which is what my friends did.
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Offline kroz

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Re: Tobacco alternatives
« Reply #13 on: October 24, 2014, 11:10:40 pm »
some people smoke mullein leaf, I've heard its a great expectorant
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Offline RustyShackleford

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Re: Tobacco alternatives
« Reply #14 on: October 25, 2014, 01:28:52 am »
My experience was this: I quit smoking, then started again with spliffs. I got some gas station ecigs then bought a real one. Was cool except that I used it a lot, alot alot. I went through one of the gas station blu cigs in about 5 hours once. Then I bought my own and used it a lot until I ran out of atomizers and the old atomizers plus the shit smoke that I bought led me not to reup. I smoked cigs for awhile again then quit tobacco altogether. I've had spliffs here and there and if I hang out with friends its pretty much a given. What sucks is that the addictive nature never leaves. I'll have no tolerance for weed, but still smoke 3 spliffs or so on a night out.

I still think about tobacco and I don't hang out with people. Day to day, I'm fine, but something is missing. At my worst I've considered buying a pipe/cigar/ecig stuff. I almost smoked a chamomile cigarette, but never did. I live at home so now that I don't smoke it would be hard to smoke a chamomile cig or a bowl or tobacco pipe or whatever.

Wish I never started, but now that I've stopped I'm no better or worse off. What sucks is that I'm approaching a year since 'quitting' not counting a few slips and I'm no better off mentally. New years parties are still going to suck with no tobacco. And it's been a damn year, I'm totally used to not having it, but with other people I like to get away hang out and puff.

Fucking wish so bad I never started. Seeing unhealthy old smokers helps a bit, but doesn't help the right now the 'I'll quit later' mentality.