Its purely for political reasons. If the press hadn't picked up on it and turned it into an issue no one would have given a fuck
Absolutely THIS!
I'm so sick of the supposed "morality"(?) the NFL and other sports leagues are trying to impose on its players and staff members. I personally don't give a fuck what they do off the field, let society and the judicial system have its way and the leagues need to butt out. Other than performance enhancing drugs, NOTHING someone does off the field should have any consequences to them playing in a league.
Especially in a game like football, I don't want
perfect those traits for diplomats, ambassadors and Nobel Peace Prize winners.
And no, I don't condone people beating on women at I think any guy that does that is a little punk. But I do not care in the least what kind of sins people do off the field, same reason I couldn't be bothered about Michael Vick when he was having his dog fights.
Also OP, I realize you are trying to stir up the whole Ray Lewis angle again, but he did NOT murder anyone. His friend did. Why should he be implicated for murder when basically he was in the wrong place at the wrong time? The most he MIGHT be guilty of (big might) is obstructing justice since he didn't want to rat out his buddies. Isn't that a Totsean creed, after all?
Now to figure out what I'm going to do in fantasy football, as in my auction league I have Ray Rice for $13. Isiah Crowell anyone???