The thing about Islam is that objectively, Muhammad (puh) was a righteous, interesting and somewhat enlightened man. The last bit of his life was nothing but a massive battle but he literally owned everywhere he'd ever set foot in his life. He was 61 or 71 and everyone went back to Mecca and prayed and he finished writing the Qur'an, gave a big speech and died.
After that everyone agreed he was a cool dude who knew some stuff but nobody knew what to do so afterwards so they tried to conquer everywhere they set foot and told women that when cars are invented they can't drive them (Islam is the religion of public safety).
Islam was what the prophet lived because he invented it and everyone after is just kind of a poser, hence people naming their kids after him and growing their beard to be like him, basically treating him like the ideal man which was EXACTLY what he was against, hence "don't fucking paint any pictures of me."
Islam is interesting in that it's a case study of how a good thing can get corrupted so incredibly. It's like you grew a plant that was useful and looked nice then decided that's how all plants should be so you invaded other peoples gardens and tried to genetically alter their plants, setting up snipers to prevent squirrels from taking your plants and not letting anyone have a garden on your street who didn't grow those plants. Guess what, there was only one plant, get the fuck over it. Take the useful properties from it and learn how to integrate them into the DNA of all plants over time if that's truly how plants should be.
Muslims are cool people though.
I'm literally white and have read the Qur'an on public transportation.