Yeah I was being facetious with the title here. Thought people would get that :/
You think you're lovely and huggable and want kittens to roam free across the board.
Your thread in B&M describing your difficulties gets belittled and flamed to a crisp.
I'm depicted, at least by you, as an asshole who shits on people for little to no reason.
My B&M thread describing being in pain almost exclusively got interest and sympathy.
With reference to the above statments write a 1000-word essay, +/- 10%, entitled 'Why isn't SotB treated like an asshole, where as I am, despite me being by far the nicer person?'. If you explore the question throughly enough I'm sure you'll discover some interesting revelations about your personality and behaviour. Please email your essay to me by the end of Friday, your time.
I'll mark it over the weekend.