Damn right man, damn right! It's hard for me to sometimes not be at least a little disillusioned because of my particular situation.. But I agree with you entirely, that's the world I want to see. And as you mentioned with a community taking care of a factory diliberately and consciously polluting the water table.. How fucked up is it that we as a society accept that these malevolent corporations are protected by pre-established regulations.. Hell, some of them aren't even pre-established.. They are constantly lawyering up and protecting their asses with.. What, some words on paper? I see the illusion you speak of.. Fear of repucushions reinforced with planned acts of violence to instill obedience throughout the masses..
And a lot of people are awake to this.. Some, like me.. Don't vocalize it often simply because our specific situation isn't as dire or seemingly oppressive as others.. Another thing to consider is, how far is just too far? When do the masses fight back and reclaim their freedom? Surely, without a damn good incident to stir the pot, the powers that be will methodically continue to siphon freedom while successfully portraying freedom fighters as the enemy of the state.. The ignorant masses eat it up and condemn them as we'll.. Why? Because blind patriotism is fashionable.. Gah, I don't even know.. I think to think on this some more.