I had a close friend move about 100 miles away a month ago to try and pick up a good paying job. Seriously, there isnt shit to do in this small county as far as a decent well paying job. Anyways, he was living outside of an apartment complex behind some shrubs and bushes I suppose.. lol.. He did show me a few pics. I wouldnt have believed him otherwise, but I guess people really do, do that sort of thing. He finally found work delivering a major newspaper to gas stations and homes every night across three counties and just got into an apartment last week.. Proves with dedication you can move on up, but damn, he lived out of that tent for about 2 months, and we had some hellacious storms.. Said he weathered some, and walked inside the complex and chilled when things got hairy.. I woulda got tired of pitching and unpitching the tent everyday, but I guess he couldn't afford to just leave it there.. and while he did have a car, leaving it parked and looking as if it was an apartment leasers was safer than being found asleep in it on a daily basis and get harassed for loitering.. Probably a crazy experience he'll never forget though.. reckon he even got laid there, but... not sure I even buy that one... possible perhaps.