The only possible contribution you can make to this site is by closing your account immediately
Stop being a fucking bitch.
The last time you talked to me you used this smiley "Thanks RisiR " and now you try to act hard. Fuck yourself.
Cause I try to be nice. But the last couple days all I see if your stupid ass posts everywhere. I'm the one that told you don't try to act hard you stupid pussy, so don't even fucking say that. You're so full of shit RisiR you're eyes are brown, and pretty much everyone on here knows you're nothing but a lame faker. The vast majority of people on this site don't like you, and you've made mumerous posts about leaving here, only to return 10 minutes later.
Why don't you just kill yourself like you always talked about? You're a loser fag who is rejected everywhere in his life, including the internet. Than you make a thread saying "oooh I've contributed so much, I posted a link to high times saying if your weed smells good it's more potent". Thanks for the news flash you shit faced runt. There's simply nothing you can say in response besides some stupid fagshit, so get yourself some cake and ice cream, it won't be the first time you have to eat your pain away.
If you really want to help, kill yourself live on cam so it can be posted and Arnox will be forced to implement a thanks system.
P.S. Don't try to act like you know the slightest bit about weed or it's cultivation because you sound stupid asshole