So basically, get your sugars from fruits and veggies. If you do that, it'll probably also moderate your caloric intake (I'm literally 5'9" 110 pounds anyway). Eat a decent amount of fruits and veggies. Replace white bread with whole wheat.
5'9" 110 pounds? Sweet Jesus. Now I feel like a land whale minus the Playboy Mansion.
But what about micronutrients? There are daily recommended values for all sorts of trace chemicals, multivitamins don't get processed perfectly making "expensive urine", and I have no idea what varieties of food I would need to start eating to experience benefits from the whole range of vitamins and minerals in proper daily values.
Micro this, micro that, RDA this value, RDA that... most of it is utter horseshit. There is no easy answer to your question, because if you're medically fit your body will, within reason, adapt and process whatever you throw at it, which is why the mostly joke occupation that is 'nutritionist' exists to fill this artificial 'knowledge vacuum'. For the average Joe, barring personal medical issues/poor medical family history, having a relaxed lifestlye and eating a diet that is fat and protein-rich isn't the early fucking grave most of these chumps would have you believe.
My diet, for example, by most standards is fucking awful. I'm really mean that. At least 40% of my calorific intake for the last 15 years (which is a little too high for me
personally anyway) has been in the form of saturated fat and sugar. I had a full medical a few months ago, blood tests, blood pressure, scans, blah, blah... the medical staff were expecting me to have type II diabetes, high cholesterol, etc. and the results were... fit as a goddamn fiddle. They scowled when I laughed at the results, but what could they say? Their own tests said they were wrong.
There is plenty of research which shows good data that runs contrary to the viewpoint often peddled by health experts, doctors (who aren't specialists) and, God help us, 'Gurus' and other
faggots in lycra personal trainers preening themselves on youtube. These people will mostly grow old, go senile, shit themselves and die just as quickly as me, in spite of all the time they spend dry-humping yoga balls and eating organic quinoa.
As for micronutrient values, which are mostly based on a population average, they will by definition be the correct requirement (within 5% of the average)
for just 10% of the population. The further away from the average you are the more likely you are under- or overdosing yourself. Do not get you're panties in a bunch about it. The human body is extraordinarily adaptable is terms of absorbing what it
needs from a balanced diet. A micro-managed diet is only required if you have health issues, are elderly, or are an elite athlete pushing your physical boundaries to their very limit. That of course is no use to the companies trying to sell vitamin pills to as many people as possible.
In short get yourself checked out by a doctor, blood tests etc. If they then
identify symptoms of nutrient defiency not 'your levels are low on the bell-curve diagram they gave me in medical school' come back and ask about foods specific to your nutrient needs. Or go to a nutrionist with some very specific questions. It's one of the few times they're of any real use.