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Technophiliacs & Technophiles / Re: what are some good torrent sites?
« Last post by Cooking with Zyklon B on December 11, 2014, 06:44:58 pm »
I usually use kickass myself. Demonoid was put back online a while as well, but I don't use it anymore because it didn't seem to have much of a seeder base last time I checked it a couple months ago.
Extraction: HCL gassing, after a water wash of fuel

1/4 cup AN
1/8 cup Naoh
2 li x9 strip

Rarely do i recharge, if i do it 1/8 an, and 1/16 naoh.

PSE 2.880g

NP is always 15 oz

I Found It On The Web / Re: baby raper VIDEO *CONFIRMED*
« Last post by bling bling on December 11, 2014, 06:30:48 pm »
gotta step up my game man but i been holdin down youtube for 2 long gotta diversify
Bad Ideas / Re: Getting my boss's boss fired
« Last post by Vulture on December 11, 2014, 06:30:27 pm »
Recording him isn't an option... In my workplace it's unlikely I could do so without committing a HIPAA violation, which my higher ups would see.

I'd like to frame him
Reverse it. Make it look like he's recording your boss.
Bad Ideas / Re: Faking an earthquake to trigger mass panic/lulz
« Last post by bling bling on December 11, 2014, 06:28:22 pm »
y not just use explosives
Bad Ideas / Re: I fucking hate christmas lights
« Last post by bling bling on December 11, 2014, 06:27:31 pm »
Fuck xmas. I was hoping of someone setting off a firework or smokebomb on a black friday crowd

fuckckkk i could have made it happen
Bad Ideas / Re: Getting Burned by Amazon
« Last post by bling bling on December 11, 2014, 06:26:37 pm »
shit yore gonna die
I Found It On The Web / baby raper VIDEO *CONFIRMED*
« Last post by RisiR on December 11, 2014, 06:25:57 pm »

"If there are kids in the room right now, you might want to have them leave".
Ill spare myself a lot of time and explanation.

This tek WAS a good thing going. But Where im at now, it just took a shit. NOT WORKING! Produces product that has strange effects not noted before. Reaction not going chocolate milkshake color and staying. Instead it goes thick brown for a sec, then thick black/grey, almost like a clock reaction. Instead of clearing near the end, it goes cloudy with a tint of red/grey, and the noted "grey/white" layer that used to form on top of the nh3/naoh layer (which signaled true completion of bang as product) never forms. Product comes out fine, just isn't the same AT ALL. Its got a "tampered" with feel to it.

It may not be happened to anyone else yet, and if that  is the case, be prepared for a shit storm coming, because ITS HAPPENING HERE!

Calling all bees, some serious discussion needs to occur, NEED TO KNOW WHAT IS BEING PRODUCED AND WHY!

May Bee the beginning to a very evil Death By Gak twist. Lets get this shit figured out.

Noticed this for sure. It's got a strange feel like you mentioned and also the "shadow people" always seem to come for an early visit. It seems to cause some crazy hallucinations of things moving around a lot too. I was thinking it was too much lithium, but maybe not since I am not the only one.

Also seems to work out a bit differently with different brands. Seen some bomb ass stuff then next time crazy fucking hallucinations with it and weird feelings and so on and so forth

What method are you using for your extraction, H2O or HCl (g)?

2. How much Lithium are you using? More specific what are all your ratios? PSE/E, AN, NaOH, Li, NP and size of rv
1. There is no "secrect ingredient. "  They absolutely must list all ingrediants but could "hide" the actual chemical name. There could be massive lawsuits if said completely missing ingrediant caused ANY issue to consumers.

2. There are several Hell gakks. At the least Polysorbate 80 and caranuba wax both carry over with polar and nonpolar separations. The Gakks also interfere with the reaction between AN and NaOH.

3.  Some now include Castor Oil.

4. Everything still works with yields slightly reduced if adjustments are made. Proper ratios, adjusted timings, and diligent workup is crucial.
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