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Messages - platinumstorm1

Pages: [1] 2
Bad Ideas / Re: Flipping iPhone 5 from Apple itself
« on: October 24, 2014, 08:06:09 pm »
I've not received any PM's from you, General. I've already spoken with Rook and MoaningLisa. Worked out something with them, so that's no fault on my end.

Spurious Generalities / Re: Bump when in IRC
« on: October 24, 2014, 04:31:46 pm »

Introductions / Re: Explain Your Name & Avatar
« on: October 23, 2014, 08:06:41 pm »
I've always had a thing for Platinum or silver, mostly platinum because of my years battling depression and suicide attempts.
Platinum is one of the hardest metals, and isn't easy to get rid of, so that rang a bell with me. I used to endure a lot and always managed to keep being happy.
Storm comes from my left-handedness, and the fact that I'm constantly coming up with new things, and ideas get thrown around and abandoned, then started again... you get the picture.

the 1 was because i had signed up before, but forgot all of the login stuff, and couldn't be arsed to find it out (probably a throwaway email that i don't remember). So this has been my only login.

And my avatar is blank because fuck you (just kidding, it fit, so i put it there [inb4 that's what she said])

Half Baked / Re: Post Best/Worst Jokes
« on: October 23, 2014, 07:36:06 pm »
You know it was a wild night when you raped and murdered someone and can't remember what order the events occurred.

What's the most important part of an ISIS joke?
The execution

I call my dick Oscar Pistorius
It only goes inside for a disappointingly short amount of time.

What has four arms, two legs and howls into the night?
Oscar Pistorius being raped by his cellmate

An insect just flew into my kitchen and exploded
I'm pretty sure it was a Jihaddi long legs

Ever wonder how much you'd have to pay a midget stripper to go up on you?
Small change

Half Baked / Re: I just sharted in some kids face
« on: October 23, 2014, 07:25:16 pm »
I used to work for an electronics shop, and it was Black Friday, so as expected, we were packed. Not just a little packed, but "sardines have more room in a can" packed. I had to go to the backroom because I had a sausage egg and cheese mcmuffin from mcdonald, plus i needed a product to sell.
I get gassy with eggs. This is fact.
As i was passing through the crowd, someone bumped my stomach just right, and I let a silent airbomb escape. Once i dropped that hell missile, I got to the back room as quickly as I could. As I'm back there, regaining myself, and getting the product, I hear, "What in the actual fuck!? Who blew their ass out!?"
I died, right there, laughing my face off. I laughed for at least a few minutes before remembering I needed to be out there helping.
I walked out, started to walk through the crowd and I. COULD.STILL. SMELL IT!!!! It seriously smelled like someone lit a baby on fire and threw cabbage on it and crapped on it for good measure. Yes, it was offensive in every aspect.
So, I get back behind the counter and went, "Ok, who destroyed their pants and do you need us to hold your place in line while you investigate what's left of your underpants?"

It was a good day.

Money Money Money... / Re: If you had $1000 to invest...
« on: October 23, 2014, 07:17:26 pm »
Definitely buy Platinum.. because, duh, look at my username

Bad Ideas / Re: Flipping iPhone 5 from Apple itself
« on: October 22, 2014, 04:30:29 pm »
My associate says he has them and is slipping some out today, and for anyone interested to name their price (be reasonable)

Sanctuary Marketplace / FS iPhones, Clean ESN's. From Apple warehouse
« on: October 21, 2014, 06:12:26 pm »
I've got an associate that works within an Apple location (a repair center, not a store) and said he's willing to flip out a few (not many) for the right price. They are units that are meant to be scrapped anyways, but the ESN's are all good. These are going for $150-220 16gb (depends on quality) and if there happens to be a 32gb or 64gb, price can be decided. Can be shipped, but payment must be confirmed prior to shipment. Paypal or BTC.
The associate is not responsible for these phones in any way, and can not be held responsible for the quality.

Bad Ideas / Re: Flipping iPhone 5 from Apple itself
« on: October 21, 2014, 05:08:59 pm »
Given they are not perfect (some have rear camera problems, some with a bit of debris under the glass, etc.) but they're returns for the Power button issues that have been fixed. I think they'd hypothetically go for $175 each***see edit, based on what can be found on eBay.  But that's only if this person decided to try this hypothetical story.

***EDIT: I looked on the eBayz.. these hypothical devices could go for between $100-$200 depending on size.

Bad Ideas / Re: Flipping iPhone 5 from Apple itself
« on: October 21, 2014, 04:07:32 pm »
That was a thought in this story, but where else?

Bad Ideas / Flipping iPhone 5 from Apple itself
« on: October 21, 2014, 04:03:10 pm »
So, let's pretend a friend worked in an Apple repair center and could hypothetically get a few phones out without being caught. The phones aren't perfect but they work great. No longer on service and factory restored. Let's pretend someone could have the audacity to try and sell them. Where could somebody sell them without having their name associated with the sale?
Again, I'm only making up this story for the simple reason of creating conversation.

Bad Ideas / Re: PayPal help
« on: September 25, 2014, 08:36:09 pm »
This will probably come across as i'm attempting to scam you, and I understand that, due to my post count. I'm willing to let you send it to my legit paypal, I'll transfer it to my PP card, withdraw the cash, and WU it to him. I'll charge a small bit, but I'll be the first to offer some true assistance.
If you decide not to go that route, I respect that, but I'm offering it genuinely. PM me if you'd like to discuss it at the very least

Bad Ideas / Re: Getting a new phone from the manufacturer free
« on: September 23, 2014, 03:43:26 pm »
I'm sure he could sell that phone and the buyer would be none the wiser. Cash in, and still have his phone.
(This is, BI after all)

Bad Ideas / Re: Getting a new phone from the manufacturer free
« on: September 18, 2014, 09:07:50 pm »
^^^ Thanks General Fault. Probably the best response I'll get on this topic. I do agree with you there. I'll bring that up to him. Hopefully he'll put that into consideration, or decide exactly how many men he plans on "servicing" when he's locked away.

Bad Ideas / Re: Getting a new phone from the manufacturer free
« on: September 18, 2014, 06:17:46 pm »
@end. I don't mean it to sound sketchy, I'm trying to find out for him and trying to keep it free of specifics.
@risir. no flip phones. The newer moto g. He likes motorola and it happens to be reasonably priced

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