« on: October 23, 2014, 07:25:16 pm »
I used to work for an electronics shop, and it was Black Friday, so as expected, we were packed. Not just a little packed, but "sardines have more room in a can" packed. I had to go to the backroom because I had a sausage egg and cheese mcmuffin from mcdonald, plus i needed a product to sell.
I get gassy with eggs. This is fact.
As i was passing through the crowd, someone bumped my stomach just right, and I let a silent airbomb escape. Once i dropped that hell missile, I got to the back room as quickly as I could. As I'm back there, regaining myself, and getting the product, I hear, "What in the actual fuck!? Who blew their ass out!?"
I died, right there, laughing my face off. I laughed for at least a few minutes before remembering I needed to be out there helping.
I walked out, started to walk through the crowd and I. COULD.STILL. SMELL IT!!!! It seriously smelled like someone lit a baby on fire and threw cabbage on it and crapped on it for good measure. Yes, it was offensive in every aspect.
So, I get back behind the counter and went, "Ok, who destroyed their pants and do you need us to hold your place in line while you investigate what's left of your underpants?"
It was a good day.