I don't see why students bother with books in the first place, torrented or otherwise. Most your professors will cover 100% of the relevant material in class and if they don't then it's probably a lot of primary source stuff you can find between google and whatever academic database you have access to. In a three and a half year college career I've bought like maybe 5 books for classes
At least for my school, not buying the books isn't an option. The professors purposely leave material out which forces you to purchase the book. But fuck that, I torrent every book I can.
All college is for our generation is a pyramid scheme which you get shat on if you don't fall for. Personally, I need the higher education since I'm a physics major (and I'm going all the way to doctorate) but the shit you hear for majors seriously doesn't sound like it requires any real education past high school. Nursing? Go to a two year med school. Rehabilitation? Why the fuck does this need school at all?
College these days is more expensive, less informative, and more necessary. Which is complete and utter bullshit. Getting your bachelor's is treated pretty much the same as a high school diploma. Fuck it, you might as well call the first four years 'second high school'