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Messages - Zanick

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 19
Bad Ideas / Re: Getting my boss's boss fired
« on: December 11, 2014, 03:36:08 pm »
My boss is Muslim, maybe that can be advantageous. In any case, I'm going to urge her to file a complaint today and I'm calling another manager who works closely with him to do the same.

Although recording him would be revealing, I believe that would be illegal in my state and couldn't be presented to the higher-ups.

Bad Ideas / Re: Getting my boss's boss fired
« on: December 11, 2014, 05:36:07 am »
Recording him isn't an option... In my workplace it's unlikely I could do so without committing a HIPAA violation, which my higher ups would see. I'm not adverse to breaking the law, but fuck getting caught.

Inconveniencing him would be nice. I'd like to frame him, maybe by putting pot in his car if I can locate his home, then calling the cops and reporting him as having smoked it in his car before work. Corporate sharks would have a fit if he did that. But I don't get paid enough to toss good weed like that for any substantial possession charge.

Bad Ideas / Getting my boss's boss fired
« on: December 11, 2014, 04:08:13 am »
I work for a well known entity in the healthcare industry which divides it subordinates into districts and assigns regional managers to jurisdictions drawn up by a corporate team. Recently these district lines were redrawn and my old district manager has been replaced by an absolute tyrant, who shall henceforth be referred to as Napoleon. Napoleon's job is to oversee the retail aspect of my boss' job and, by extension, my job.

Napoleon is a freakish bureaucrat. If your name tag has a shortened version of your name, if he doesn't like your shoes, if you have to stay for overtime, you get written up--three times equals termination. He loves writing people up, typically doing so at least three times during a routine visit. Being that I am an integral member of the team, I often find myself staying in overtime to ease the workload. This, coupled with my refusal to display my full name or abide by a dress code, spells trouble for my relationship with Napoleon.

The other night he called to harass my manager about a trivial market factor over which she has no direct control and he lost his temper, began yelling and caused her to break down in tears. Ever since he took his office, she's been talking about quitting due to his behavior. Now, she's a very sweet lady who really doesn't deserve this kind of treatment. More selfishly, she has made the workplace a much more pleasant environment that it was, directly because of her management style. I don't want her to leave. I know she isn't the only one who thinks he's a problem: other managers falling under his district have also taken issue.

My first idea is to call the other sites falling within his district lines to request that they file a formal complaint. While I doubt there would be much resistance from this effort, I am wary of implicating myself because I have doubts that corporate would take it seriously against his word. I need Napoleon gone, right now. I want to banish him to a little island somewhere so that he can die alone, far away from me. I am willing to step outside of the law to accomplish this if I must. Any suggestions?

Edit: this looked shorter somehow on my iphone. The TLDR is that I want my boss's boss who is a major fucking prick gone and need more creative ideas than simple political violence. Help!

Printed Matter / Re: having trouble keeping attention on books
« on: December 09, 2014, 08:05:10 am »
Make sure you actually like the books. Could it be that you like their ideas in theory but not execution? Perhaps you just don't like the way they articate these ideas? Have you tried meditation? It will help extend your focus, with practice. It can also help make you more aware of what you do and don't like in a book. Alternatively, you may just be reaching for things you want to like rather than work you really enjoy. Try reading some things you would ordinarily pass up and see if something maintains your attention longer. If none od this shit works, see a doc for some amphetamines.

Moving Pictures / Re: House of Cards
« on: December 09, 2014, 08:00:13 am »
Might watch. With Spacey in it I hope it's as good as the original.

From what I've read about the UK version (not sure where to find it to watch) there are many shared elements. I'm not familiar with much of your politics, though I'd like to compare them sometime as I know the original is highly regarded.

Moving Pictures / Re: House of Cards
« on: December 09, 2014, 07:35:17 am »
Season three will be out Feb 27.

Holy mother of fuck, there's more? I honestly thought they could end it and I was satisfied with that ending. I could pretty much figure out how any loose ends turn out and it wouldn't bother me, which is unusual for a show so well-orchestrated. They'd better not fuck this up.

Sex & Affection / Re: Oust the fag
« on: December 09, 2014, 07:32:05 am »
I mean, are you just a regular guy who happens to like other guys? Are you the sort who associates almost exclusively with other gay men or do you commonly enjoy the company of women woth whom you share mutual interests? Are you promiscuous pr conservative, outspoken or reserved when it comes to social reform concerning you and your fellow homos? Do you watch gay TV? Which drugs do you use? How many partners have you had and what's the most you've juggled at once? Are gay bars really more fun? Protection? Tell me about your lifestyle.

Oral Indulgences / Re: Fermented foods
« on: December 09, 2014, 07:26:12 am »
I heard about that book from a coworker, actually. I'm hoping to pick up a copy after my next paycheck comes in, I'm really excited to begin working on some fermenting projects!

Oh the Humanities! / Slavoj Žižek
« on: December 09, 2014, 07:23:58 am »
I admit that I haven't quite delved into critical theory, but he often endorses a psychoanalytic analysis of culture, which agrees with my sensibilities and interests, and besides this is hugely entertaining. I've see The Pervert's Guide To Ideology many times, sober, stoned or otherwise inebriated and loved it more with each viewing.

Is anybody a fan? I really need to read something of his, but I don't know where to begin.

Sex & Affection / Re: Oust the fag
« on: December 09, 2014, 07:18:44 am »
What kind of gay are you?

Spurious Generalities / Re: why some guys don't eat the vageener
« on: December 09, 2014, 07:17:16 am »
There's no excuse for selfishness in the bedroom, barring legitimate, medical cause. Even this restriction must be only temporary.

Moving Pictures / House of Cards
« on: December 09, 2014, 07:14:58 am »
Seldom does a show's conclusion demand that I start again from it's beginning, but this Netflix original does just that. The dialogue sucks me in, the deception excites me and stimulates my imagination. I've started wondering what my own life could be, were my energy focused towards manipulation of my peers and subversion of my superiors. Would Kevin Spacey live my loce better than myself? Would he make more with what I've been given, were he in my shoes? I don't onow, and that's the very scary feeling that keeps my eyes glued to the screen. Is anyone else hooked on this show?

Oral Indulgences / Fermented foods
« on: December 09, 2014, 07:06:25 am »

I've enjoyed kefir for a few years now. For those who aren't familiar, it's a fermented dairy beverage with a consistency somewhere between milk and greek yogurt, though with greater probiotic cultures. The most popular brand is Lifeway, but after producing my own I've come to realize that commercial brands really have little value by comparison.

I've been culturing whole milk using kefir grains for almost four months, and it's much better. It takes some trial and error to get the process down, plus the smell is similar to yeast while the taste is sour and tart, but it's easy to mask and I've become accustomed to it anyway.

This is really getting me interested in the science of fermentation. I've been incorporating miso and sauerkraut into my meals lately as well. I'd like to make a vegan kefir using hemp milk or almond as a substrate, but I don't understand enough to ensure the bacteria would have a proper food source.

Yeah, don't blame the drug. It's your fault. These drugs are tools, not an immediate good time. You felt sick, that was your sign. You shouldn't have powered through. The only bad time I've had was LSD was when I powered through to the store to buy lighters, then powered through to smoke syncans. When acid goes bad- it's bad and sometimes it's hard to get out of. Things get hazy and fuzzy and negative. You've got to learn how to use these drugs to enjoy them.

Also was it "acid" or LSD?

I was being stupid, and wasn't going to stop, it was better than what I was doing, being in physical pain from my allergic reaction that resulted in me bruising easy as fuck and looking like I got hit by a trick. And, as far as acid or LSD, not fully sure, I'll have to ask my friend whom I got it off of.
How do you not know? What did the tab taste like?

Regretting this, but I just dropped again, I tasted nothing, just paper, and a slight bittery tknge before my tongue went numb. ALL IN THE NAME OF SCIENE THOUGH!
Not LSD, sorry. LSD is tasteless in recreational doses and definitely won't leave your tongue numb. Be careful not to take top much of this stuff. Personally I wouldn't touch it.

Eh, bitterness could be ink, if the blotter is decorative. The numbness, however, is highly suspicious.

OP, do something valuable with this time and use it to think hard about your life and the people in it.

Sex & Affection / Re: Got Dumped, Now What?
« on: December 02, 2014, 09:39:38 pm »
Owned, you should kill yourself.

Pfft, me..? I HATE those who contemplate suicide. It's a permanent solution to what is but a temporary problem.

Being thrust unwillingly into an absurd reality is not a temporary problem, but suicide is the only solution.

I think you should lament your shortcomings and produce them as art, so get some decent drugs to take while you mull over your relationships.

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