« on: September 10, 2014, 09:58:19 pm »
Well, I haven't slept for almost 2 days, and about 6 hours before I posted the thread I ingested 250mg of propylhexedrine (instead of my usual 500) and took 100mg of tramadol over the course of the night-day and finally got my prolintane at 2pm today, snorted 30mg, than realized I had an appointment with my psych doc that I was late to. I felt a mild amphetamine/methylphenidate type clean buzz, but it had anxiogenic properties. After making it through my appt. trying to hide the fact I was tweaking off my gourd I got my focalin, I took 10mg with 50mg of prolintane and I'm slightly tired but still feel good, not euphoric, but..good. When I finally get some sleep, I'll try taking some when I wake up, hopefully it'll be more euphoric. It's only been a few hours but I already love this stuff.