The Sanctuary
Ego => Spurious Generalities => Topic started by: MoaningLisa on November 18, 2014, 03:52:49 am
some fool owed my money, and went and bought this before he paid me back.
so I re-assigned its ownership, into my pocket.
Toyotas are embarrassingly easy to break into...
anyways, its a "kangertech aerotank" and "Eleaf iStick"
idfk what any of that means, but it was free and I can't complain. will post pics tomorrow
anyways, anyone else have one? I need recommendations on shit to put in it/cool stuff I can do with it possible to get the attachments to put herb/wax in it?
some fool owed my money, and went and bought this before he paid me back.
so I re-assigned its ownership, into my pocket.
Toyotas are embarrassingly easy to break into...
anyways, its a "kangertech aerotank" and "Eleaf iStick"
idfk what any of that means, but it was free and I can't complain. will post pics tomorrow
anyways, anyone else have one? I need recommendations on shit to put in it/cool stuff I can do with it possible to get the attachments to put herb/wax in it?
send the previous owner pictures of your new toys, but tell them that you bought them, and never, ever admit that you took the items, to the extent of demanding that they still pay you back the debt and denying on your mothers grave that you took theirs
"check this shit out, I got it at the smoke shop yesterday"
send the previous owner pictures of your new toys, but tell them that you bought them, and never, ever admit that you took the items, to the extent of demanding that they still pay you back the debt and denying on your mothers grave that you took theirs
"check this shit out, I got it at the smoke shop yesterday"
he knows exactly what happened.
I promised not to spam my snapchat story with vape videos, but I do see why people do it...smoke is fun
Are you a girl?!
he knows exactly what happened
so? do it anyway. the psychological effects are quite amusing to watch
we've been over this. no, I'm a dude...when I registered for &t2 I was just going to make one or two posts, I couldn't come up with a username, but the Simpsons was on...the 5th episode of the 1990 season, titled "moaning lisa"
No dude, I mean the picture. Is that your gf blowing the hit?
No dude, I mean the picture. Is that your gf blowing the hit?
That's ML.
that 1970's 'hair over the ears' style is fashionable among young college students these days
What the fuck? I see a - pretty attractive - female behind that vapor.
What the fuck? I see a - pretty attractive - female behind that vapor.
Cut your nails faggot
send the previous owner pictures of your new toys, but tell them that you bought them, and never, ever admit that you took the items, to the extent of demanding that they still pay you back the debt and denying on your mothers grave that you took theirs
"check this shit out, I got it at the smoke shop yesterday"
he knows exactly what happened.
I promised not to spam my snapchat story with vape videos, but I do see why people do it...smoke is fun
I would never allow this sort of passive aggresive shit from a person with the fingernails of a man-child autist.
so much for serious discussion...
yeah thats me, I just have long ass hair...I'm so used to working on cars that my nails would usually break off when they got too long, unfortunately I have to actively keep up with it now.
...back on topic, something like this would be pretty badass
send the previous owner pictures of your new toys, but tell them that you bought them, and never, ever admit that you took the items, to the extent of demanding that they still pay you back the debt and denying on your mothers grave that you took theirs
"check this shit out, I got it at the smoke shop yesterday"
he knows exactly what happened.
I promised not to spam my snapchat story with vape videos, but I do see why people do it...smoke is fun
Saved both of those pics and added them to your PI folder
vaping is for girls
Well smoking is for old people.
Good setup for a beginner i just got my friend to switch to vaping set him up with a i stick that thing has great battery life for the size. I got him a rebuildable tank though.
None of the weed attachments work very well don't waste your time and money on them.
Vapers suck dick.
Vapers suck dick.
Aren't you gay?
If anything he's the asshole for not paying you
he's an asshole for lying about how he acquired it...
and a pussy too
Vapers suck dick.
Aren't you gay?
I assume you vape? That wouldn't make me the gay one..
Seriously though, I just don't like those vape-things.
Vapers suck dick.
Aren't you gay?
I assume you vape? That wouldn't make me the gay one..
Seriously though, I just don't like those vape-things.
I just thought you said on zoklet that you were gay maybe I'm thinking of someone else
vaping is seriously for pussies, smoke a real cig if you're going to smoke anything at all
Vapers suck dick.
Aren't you gay?
I assume you vape? That wouldn't make me the gay one..
Seriously though, I just don't like those vape-things.
I just thought you said on zoklet that you were gay maybe I'm thinking of someone else
Wasn't me, dude.