It's rude and obviously presumptuous to guess, but if I had to I'd peg you an atheist. An angry atheist.
Not even close. First off, having a mere mortal mind....I'm not arrogant enough to believe that we could ever have a true bigger picture understanding of creation or the cosmos. Its like an earthworm in the ground trying to begin comprehend the society of humans, its just impossible.
I would call myself "searcher" I'm always open to clues and knowledge of why we are here, and what the "purpose" is to life. If you had to nail me down, I'm a big believer in a lot of the Ancient Alien lore, as I believe our existence is just one cycle of many on this planet. IF there is some all powerful deity out there lording over us, I compare it more to an "aquarium" for us humans. Sure the Creators might have given us an environment to thrive and live in, but just like anyone that owns fish you aren't watching over them every waking second guiding and dictating their lives....nor do you have significant emotional investment over each fishes well being. In a collective sense you want to have a nice aquarium with various life, but each separate entity in that aquarium can't be "saved" based on personal intervention, prayer, or much of anything else other than sustaining a decent place to live.
Also, I'm a strong believer in The Secret/Laws of I've seen firsthand the blessings (and scurges) of that kind of practice. Its an easy ideology to understand, but VERY difficult to master however.