MScontins gel up when exposed to water, so plugging it isn't really an option without extraction. I would just crush it very fine and parachute it if you don't want to extract it. You can extract them with dry methanol thusly:
1. Crush them fine and pour in enough methanol to cover.
2. Swirl it to mix and let it sit for 10-15 minutes.
3. Decant off/filter the methanol.
4. Pour into a wide, flat dish to let it evaporate.
Dry methanol can be found in auto parts stores as fuel line antifreeze (yellow bottle, brand name HEET). You can use isopropyl alcohol in a pinch if you use 99%. Too much water in the isopropyl will cause the MScontins to gel (don't use 70%, you might be able to get away with 91% but I haven't tried it). You can bang the resulting powder, or use that for an enema so it doesn't gel.