I love Bobeflex.. They are definitely an interesting group. The first song reminds me of the crazy vulgar threads on here, but I still love the song despite the rape content..
Home is probably their most known song.. Not bad, but I liked them before this came out.. "Just relax, and take the red one first.. so you can go back to work.. so you can go back to work"
And then I just found this.. Fucking Aye! Maybe its just because that chick is fine as hell.. lol It seems lame as hell till about 1:38 or maybe a little before.. I know for a lot of people, if you didnt see them, you'd maybe appreciate the music more. (This video includes murder+suicide.. so I know some members here will enjoy that)
Standout lyrics of this song "Exercise your demons with the back of my hand.. I'm a bad bad man"