Author Topic: Site FAQ v2.0  (Read 3035 times)

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Offline Arnox

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Site FAQ v2.0
« on: May 09, 2014, 07:52:18 am »
This thread is for, you guessed it, frequently asked questions. Well, OK, maybe I haven't been actually been asked some of these questions yet. But TOO BAD. My forum and stuff.

I will update this thread as needed.

Q: Help! Someone here has been impersonating me/posting false information! You need to ban him!
A: I'm sorry to say this but Sanctuary will not be monitoring whether or not someone or the things they say is 'legit'. Any information posted should be taken as is and we cannot guarantee the accuracy of anything posted by members on the site nor can or should we involve ourselves in the sticky issue of verifying people's actual identity (barring alt accounts).

Now, having said that, keep in mind two things.

1. It looks like we aren't actually needed to verify someones identity since you guys have proven yourselves to be effective at sniffing out clones anyway.

2. If you feel like someone is posting BS or is BS, feel free to make a thread in the appropriate sub-forum about it. When it comes to issues of fake or real information or posters, these will be delegated to the members themselves.

Q: How can I set what topics show up in the 'Show unreal posts link/Recent Posts bar'?
A: Go to your Profile Summary. In that, next to Profile Info, there's a tab that's labeled, "Modify Profile". Hover your mouse over that and that will bring up a box. Then simply click on Ignore Boards Options. And there you go. Just select whatever boards you want to not show up in the Recent Posts bar and etc.

Q: Is Idiosyncrasy from the now past totse2 here? If so, is he running this site?
A: Yep, he's here. Kind of. At the moment, he pops in here every now and then and he can ascend all the way up to the lofty status of co-admin whenever he feels like it. However, I have been, am still, and will be for the foreseeable future, the glorious leader/dictator of this site. So, if you have a problem with me, you're straight out of luck.

Q: Should I post a thread even though it probably won't get any views and/or replies?
A: YES!! If we want to get this board going at all, we need to populate it with DISCUSSION. Questions, things you found interesting or funny, rants, musings, etc. Post it all. I want to read it and others will as well, whoever they may be. Furthermore, remember that this board is as general as you're going to get it. As such, we don't just specialize in one area like most every forum does, we specialize in ALL of the areas.

So, all the more reason that we need all of your threads. I would actually prefer it if you made Sanctuary a priority board for all the threads you post before posting it on any other board if you didn't mind. It doesn't matter if your thread doesn't get any views. It doesn't matter if it doesn't get any posts. You never know what will make Google bring someone here, and you never know what will make someone register and post on this site.

Q: What are all the posting ranks?
A: The posting ranks are as follows:

Outlander: 1-19
Adherent: 20-99
Devotee:  100-249
Disciple: 250-499
Arch Disciple: 500-999
Zealot: 1000-1499
Commandant: 1500-1999
Veteran: 2000-4999
Master: 5000-Infinity

Q: How can I configure my theme/turn off signatures/have it not warn on new replies made while posting/etc.?
A: Profile > Summary > Modify Profile > Look and Layout

I would highly recommend looking through all the options in Modify Profile though so you know where everything is and can configure it to your liking.

Q: Can we have a Thanks/Reputation system here?
A: I have seen a whole lot of rep systems in my time on the 'netz and all of them have been retarded. A normal rep system where it keeps a total of all the rep you earned leads to reputation spam. A thanks system where it only keeps track of the thanks given to each post is hardly better.

What it leads to is friends upvoting each other just because they're friends, funny posts getting thanked instead of the more smart and thoughtful posts, posts getting upvoted because it tells people what they want to hear instead of what they should be hearing, and posts deserving of upvotes not getting them simply because they're on the last page of posts and some users TL;DRing all posts past the first or second pages. Not to mention the small amounts of drama it causes when someone gets a lot of or all the upvotes and another doesn't, no matter how intelligent or well they conduct themselves simply because of something that happened in the past and people are holding a grudge...

If you guys still want this, so be it, but I'm warning you all right now, it's a bad idea.

Q: Can we have a Zoklet/totse theme?
A: We don't have one available at the moment but I definitely wouldn't mind adding one in if someone makes it.

Q: Can you change my username?
A: We will not be doing this unless special circumstances are in order.

Which are:
- You accidentally named your account upon registration.
- Personally identifying information is in the username.

Q: Who are you, Arnox?
A: I am many things... When I first heard of totse, it was a very long time ago of course and through my bro, about a year before it shut down. I checked occasionally after that, reading all those text files just like a lot of people used to. But when I went there again, this time with an intent to register there and start posting, it had already shut down with that accursed TTFN message displaying instead.

I looked around and later found totse2. Zoklet didn't seem to be what I was looking for but totse2 definitely seemed to be. Also helped that they had (I think) all the original totse text files there.

And thus started my wonderful journey down the path of glorious faggotry that is the totse path. When I first posted at totse2, my posts were cringe-worthy. Truly a spectacle of badness hitherto never before seen. Especially my first thread. I had almost quit the site when I received my first flaming (which was deserved and not even that harsh) but I decided to stay and stick it out. Then, my posts slowly improved more and more and I began to develop a very thick skin... Just as everyone at such sites as this must do if they are to survive.

I had witnessed our transition over from the old and clunky to the much more awesome complete with shiny vBulletin software. And then I had to witness everything I contributed to go up in flames as the site spiraled down into oblivion. I have learned a lot, experienced a lot, and will always be grateful for the insights and the experience that totse2 had given me though.

So that's my history with totse. But what about me, exactly. Well, if you've read this thread at all, you'll know I got my name a long time ago from the depths of my ADHD crazed mind. As to my avatar, well, it's all in the OP of that thread.

As to my likes, I'm pretty darn into video games and their development. A field I know a lot about and hope to be in someday. I also have a strong interest in computers and took some programming courses in the past but I wouldn't say I truly have a passion for it at all. My life has been rather chaotic, but then, who's life isn't? I'm also a very straight-forward person in general. I like to solve things the direct way, no nonsense. I'm not above thinking of a complex solution to a problem though if it calls for it. Lastly, I'm pretty darn imaginative and have kind of an addictive personality. (I latch onto the things I like and want rather easily, both to my benefit and my detriment)

Yes, I'm also one of them Mormons, believe it or not. I'm inactive now but I still firmly believe in it and know a lot about it. And that's about it I think. If you have any more questions or comments about me, feel free to make a thread in the appropriate sub-forum.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2014, 05:57:23 pm by Arnox »

Time is always against you in some way or another.


Offline Infinityshock

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Re: Site FAQ
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2014, 03:04:43 am »
the sub-forum with the survivalist-ism stuff is missing

Offline Arnox

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Re: Site FAQ
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2014, 03:09:57 am »
the sub-forum with the survivalist-ism stuff is missing
And so it is. Good call.

Time is always against you in some way or another.


Offline Arnox

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Re: Site FAQ
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2014, 03:13:19 am »
It's added now under the Society category. I'm pretty sure that's where it was.

FAQ has been updated. Probably wasn't a good idea to leave this open. Gonna lock it. If anyone has any questions at all, please feel free to make a thread in Help & Suggestions. All your problems will be taken care of there.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2014, 09:36:20 am by Arnox »

Time is always against you in some way or another.


Offline Arnox

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Re: Site FAQ v2.0
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2014, 12:05:28 am »

Time is always against you in some way or another.
