Author Topic: To All Who Support This Site: Would You Like This Site to Continue?  (Read 7562 times)

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Re: To All Who Support This Site: Would You Like This Site to Continue?
« Reply #60 on: November 25, 2014, 04:17:27 pm »
As long as this board still has redeeming qualities, I'm going to keep trying to make quality posts here, and keep trying to make this a good place to be.

If I were running things (and be glad that I'm not) I'd be sorely tempted to ban certain members troublesome people who do nothing but cry and whine about how bad this place is, but won't fucking leave. That's one of the two things I can't stand here.
I'll try anything once, and twice to be sure.

Offline starvingniglet

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Re: To All Who Support This Site: Would You Like This Site to Continue?
« Reply #61 on: November 25, 2014, 04:31:19 pm »
If I were running things (and be glad that I'm not) I'd be sorely tempted to ban certain members troublesome people who do nothing but cry and whine about how bad this place is, but won't fucking leave. That's one of the two things I can't stand here.

Yeah, we should just leave the peer group and community we have been a part of for so long, just because the place we ended up at when the site closed has terrible management.  I am glad you aren't running things, seems like you would be almost as shitty an admin as arnox is
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Re: To All Who Support This Site: Would You Like This Site to Continue?
« Reply #62 on: November 25, 2014, 05:28:13 pm »

I like how these senseless, butthurt wannabes keep on commenting about people who "whine and cry", meanwhile, they refuse to answer the tough questions of all these "whiners and criers". Nothing but yet another duck and dive tactic, of which is getting VERY OLD at this point. You'd think they'd finally get it at this late date, but they're just to stupid to put two and two together.

Offline Rook

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Re: To All Who Support This Site: Would You Like This Site to Continue?
« Reply #63 on: November 25, 2014, 05:31:16 pm »
i live in the woods in the middle of no where...

As do most shit-trolls.

Sure ya didnt.. I'd say the same if I couldn't come up with an intelligible response..  Well I'm off to bed. you keep having at it, bro.

You think you deserve an "intelligible response"? See above comment.

 Do i deserve an intelligible response? Hell I dont know... But for some one constantly boasting how their deals are superior and full of merit, and for me to be some shitty as troll.. You have consistently failed to appropriately address any of the things I've said... on multiple occasions. You pick apart Arnox and everyone else, yet when it comes to what I say.. your clueless.. left without words. I gotta admit, it feels pretty good. Hide behind your false bravado.. its what your good at. Your just a little bitch and nothing more, and I enjoy your replies that only further prove that fact.

 I didnt like this place for a while.. so I quit coming here. I came back.. still not liking it.. so guess what.. I'll probably take off again.

You were objectively voted the most retarded beta ass kisser right next to ballsdeep69.  Stfu nobody cares what you have to say.  And don't pretend like you ever contributed anything meaningful to this site because you didn't.  You complain about people complaining, which makes you just as bad, worse in many peoples eyes because you're brown nosing possibly for a mod position.

You are a faggot.  Please do leave again.  Your thin skin kind was never meant to be here, and I wonder what made you stumble here in the first place?

Definately don't follow to the new site where the motto is "Raw data for Raw nerves" because you're a fucking wimp with no nerve at all.

 There was a vote? Neat.. lol.. Thin skinned? Oh yea that's me.. Brown nosing for a mod position? LMAO You must have missed that post from way back when I shot that down at its first mention.. I would never want to be a mod here.. I wouldnt be a good mod. Did you miss what i said a few posts up.. I'd wipe this place indefinitely just because I could without regret or hesitation.. If given the oppertunity, and I had all the original Totse archives.. though a month ago I definitely felt differently, I'd definitely delete that shit to given the oppertunity. Totse is dead.. that community is dead, and if the few people here are what remains of it, then it's safe to say that you helped kill it. Maybe not you.. I dont know if you were ever a totsean or not.. but your still a sucky poster and an obvious "bandwagon" fan of the anti-anctuary movement so.. you've done your part.

Fuck Rook, though.

 I like this.. short and simple. Your actually not bad Risir.. not good.. but not too bad either.
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Re: To All Who Support This Site: Would You Like This Site to Continue?
« Reply #64 on: November 25, 2014, 05:41:01 pm »

Offline starvingniglet

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Re: To All Who Support This Site: Would You Like This Site to Continue?
« Reply #65 on: November 25, 2014, 05:41:18 pm »
an obvious "bandwagon" fan of the anti-anctuary movement

This is wrong, rook.  Just wrong.  And I will prove it.


The people who you claim to be part of a 'bandwagon' each have different arguments, some of the complaints are directly at odds with each other.
Quote from: constantinople
Wow fighting and banging indiscrimenantly, the hallmarks of a repsectable individual.

Offline Rook

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Re: To All Who Support This Site: Would You Like This Site to Continue?
« Reply #66 on: November 25, 2014, 05:42:12 pm »
If I were running things (and be glad that I'm not) I'd be sorely tempted to ban certain members troublesome people who do nothing but cry and whine about how bad this place is, but won't fucking leave. That's one of the two things I can't stand here.

Yeah, we should just leave the peer group and community we have been a part of for so long, just because the place we ended up at when the site closed has terrible management.  I am glad you aren't running things, seems like you would be almost as shitty an admin as arnox is

 Leave your community.. lol.. Like there arent multiple of free outlets for your so called community to migrate to. You didn't "end up" here.. you fucking signed up and waltzed on over like everyone else. And now, your so called community is split.. half that bitch at the admin who owns and runs this place, half that wants those people to gtfo.

 *Sigh* I understand both sides to a point. I understand what the group that is doing the complaining is all about.. I really do. At the same time, I've personally come to the conclusion that I can get by with the current site rules and how its moderated.. There are quite a few others that can as well.. Why cant the rest just buck up and get back to regular posting..

 In a way, even as a semi-optimist.. I know how this will play out. This play is going to die.. lol. The haters can't have it their way, and so.. instead of leaving, or throwing their snack money together to host their own board, just gonna bring it all down with them. Why? I assume its because your simply incapable of creating your own forum and set-up.. Complain all you want, your still suckling Arnoxs tit by just showing up..
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Offline starvingniglet

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Re: To All Who Support This Site: Would You Like This Site to Continue?
« Reply #67 on: November 25, 2014, 05:48:29 pm »
If I were running things (and be glad that I'm not) I'd be sorely tempted to ban certain members troublesome people who do nothing but cry and whine about how bad this place is, but won't fucking leave. That's one of the two things I can't stand here.

Yeah, we should just leave the peer group and community we have been a part of for so long, just because the place we ended up at when the site closed has terrible management.  I am glad you aren't running things, seems like you would be almost as shitty an admin as arnox is

 Leave your community.. lol.. Like there arent multiple of free outlets for your so called community to migrate to. You didn't "end up" here.. you fucking signed up and waltzed on over like everyone else. And now, your so called community is split.. half that bitch at the admin who owns and runs this place, half that wants those people to gtfo.

 *Sigh* I understand both sides to a point. I understand what the group that is doing the complaining is all about.. I really do. At the same time, I've personally come to the conclusion that I can get by with the current site rules and how its moderated.. There are quite a few others that can as well.. Why cant the rest just buck up and get back to regular posting..

 In a way, even as a semi-optimist.. I know how this will play out. This play is going to die.. lol. The haters can't have it their way, and so.. instead of leaving, or throwing their snack money together to host their own board, just gonna bring it all down with them. Why? I assume its because your simply incapable of creating your own forum and set-up.. Complain all you want, your still suckling Arnoxs tit by just showing up..

anyone who uses the word 'haters' is really not even worth exchanging text with...I also notice your liberal use of the phrase 'lol'...what are you, a 55 year old housewife?

and lastly, I would like you to tell me where else I can find a social group comprised of criminals and social deviants, that also tolerates true free speech?  there isn't any.  zoklet was about as close as it got.  but while I was there, I made 'relationships'.  I wouldn't say 'friendships', just 'relationships'.  Some business, some just friendly rivalries and exchanges of insults.  When they all moved here, it was either follow them, or just disappear.  your kind would rather my kind just disappear, but I think I will stay and verbally berate arnox, just because it pisses you off.

Quote from: constantinople
Wow fighting and banging indiscrimenantly, the hallmarks of a repsectable individual.

Offline Rook

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Re: To All Who Support This Site: Would You Like This Site to Continue?
« Reply #68 on: November 25, 2014, 05:49:34 pm »
an obvious "bandwagon" fan of the anti-anctuary movement

This is wrong, rook.  Just wrong.  And I will prove it.


The people who you claim to be part of a 'bandwagon' each have different arguments, some of the complaints are directly at odds with each other.

 Okay, you addressed that one part.. now what about the rest? Can you tell me a boycott or abstaining from being here would be less effective than the bitching and moaning of the past 2 months? I mean.. it hasnt been tried.. and the complainers are confident that without them the content here would dwindle and force the place to close unless they came back.. throwing in some personal assumptions there.. Lets keep it simple.. why not just boycott?
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Offline starvingniglet

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Re: To All Who Support This Site: Would You Like This Site to Continue?
« Reply #69 on: November 25, 2014, 05:52:43 pm »
throwing in some personal assumptions there

pretty much everything you typed is a personal assumption
Quote from: constantinople
Wow fighting and banging indiscrimenantly, the hallmarks of a repsectable individual.

Offline Rook

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Re: To All Who Support This Site: Would You Like This Site to Continue?
« Reply #70 on: November 25, 2014, 05:58:07 pm »
If I were running things (and be glad that I'm not) I'd be sorely tempted to ban certain members troublesome people who do nothing but cry and whine about how bad this place is, but won't fucking leave. That's one of the two things I can't stand here.

Yeah, we should just leave the peer group and community we have been a part of for so long, just because the place we ended up at when the site closed has terrible management.  I am glad you aren't running things, seems like you would be almost as shitty an admin as arnox is

 Leave your community.. lol.. Like there arent multiple of free outlets for your so called community to migrate to. You didn't "end up" here.. you fucking signed up and waltzed on over like everyone else. And now, your so called community is split.. half that bitch at the admin who owns and runs this place, half that wants those people to gtfo.

 *Sigh* I understand both sides to a point. I understand what the group that is doing the complaining is all about.. I really do. At the same time, I've personally come to the conclusion that I can get by with the current site rules and how its moderated.. There are quite a few others that can as well.. Why cant the rest just buck up and get back to regular posting..

 In a way, even as a semi-optimist.. I know how this will play out. This play is going to die.. lol. The haters can't have it their way, and so.. instead of leaving, or throwing their snack money together to host their own board, just gonna bring it all down with them. Why? I assume its because your simply incapable of creating your own forum and set-up.. Complain all you want, your still suckling Arnoxs tit by just showing up..

anyone who uses the word 'haters' is really not even worth exchanging text with...I also notice your liberal use of the phrase 'lol'...what are you, a 55 year old housewife?

and lastly, I would like you to tell me where else I can find a social group comprised of criminals and social deviants, that also tolerates true free speech?  there isn't any.  zoklet was about as close as it got.  but while I was there, I made 'relationships'.  I wouldn't say 'friendships', just 'relationships'.  Some business, some just friendly rivalries and exchanges of insults.  When they all moved here, it was either follow them, or just disappear.  your kind would rather my kind just disappear, but I think I will stay and verbally berate arnox, just because it pisses you off.

 I would honestly like to know what 'fraction' of Zoklet actually made it here.. Because thats what it is. You say you stay here because its the closest thing you have to Zoklet.. criminals and free speech.. lol How many people here do you honestly consider a peer? SotB? Risir? Anyone else? Baby Raper? Bling? Will the number in question exceed 5? Maybe 6? Nah 6 is probably a stretch.. The fact that you generalize the Zoklet community is also bullshit. I had 1,500+ posts on zoklet without much complaint and plenty of 'friends" there that I'm still actively friends with.. they just didnt bother with coming here.. lol. I dont wish your 'kind' to disappear. Maybe evolve or revert back from this egotistical nature brought on by a wild hair. Actually, I dont even wish that.. I kinda secretly just wish this place would die, hints.. why I'm actively doing my part.

P.S lol Hater lol
The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep.
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Offline Rook

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Re: To All Who Support This Site: Would You Like This Site to Continue?
« Reply #71 on: November 25, 2014, 06:00:40 pm »
throwing in some personal assumptions there

pretty much everything you typed is a personal assumption

 I love it that none of you have the balls or aptitude to answer "Why not boycott?"

 Pansies.. lol You should realize that I'm making little bitches of you all.

Edit: I'm off for a few hours though.. probably wont be back for 12 hours or so.. That should give ya plenty of time to evade that simple question further.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2014, 06:03:10 pm by Rook »
The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep.
-Robert Frost

Offline starvingniglet

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Re: To All Who Support This Site: Would You Like This Site to Continue?
« Reply #72 on: November 25, 2014, 06:04:06 pm »
I would honestly like to know what 'fraction' of Zoklet actually made it here.. Because thats what it is. You say you stay here because its the closest thing you have to Zoklet.. criminals and free speech.. lol How many people here do you honestly consider a peer? SotB? Risir? Anyone else? Baby Raper? Bling? Will the number in question exceed 5? Maybe 6? Nah 6 is probably a stretch.. The fact that you generalize the Zoklet community is also bullshit. I had 1,500+ posts on zoklet without much complaint and plenty of 'friends" there that I'm still actively friends with.. they just didnt bother with coming here.. lol. I dont wish your 'kind' to disappear. Maybe evolve or revert back from this egotistical nature brought on by a wild hair. Actually, I dont even wish that.. I kinda secretly just wish this place would die, hints.. why I'm actively doing my part.

P.S lol Hater lol

unstable matter
michael myers (fuck you)
just off the top of my head, there is probably a couple dozen more

fuck you, are wrong so just admit it, sit back, and shut the fuck up and let us do what we fucking meddling old lady...none of this concerns you anyway
Quote from: constantinople
Wow fighting and banging indiscrimenantly, the hallmarks of a repsectable individual.

Offline starvingniglet

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Re: To All Who Support This Site: Would You Like This Site to Continue?
« Reply #73 on: November 25, 2014, 06:05:49 pm »
I love it that none of you have the balls or aptitude to answer "Why not boycott?"

because it is just easier to stay here, hang out with people we know, and insult the management.  it is what we have always done, and it is what we will continue to do
Quote from: constantinople
Wow fighting and banging indiscrimenantly, the hallmarks of a repsectable individual.

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Re: To All Who Support This Site: Would You Like This Site to Continue?
« Reply #74 on: November 25, 2014, 06:06:37 pm »

Pretty well the only task the feds and other assorted LEOs have here is to either kill it off or sink it. Think about it.